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ECO-BOND Performance

The Strongest Adhesive for a Greener Earth

Volatile Organic Compounds, Toxic Chemicals, Carcinogens, Petroleum Based, Odor – are words that can be used to describe most adhesives and sealants on the market. But Eco-Bond Adhesives are a new generation of environmentally friendly adhesives that bring together the best of environmentally safe properties and the high performance required by commercial and industrial users

Available for the first-time to homeowners and do-it-yourselfers, Eco-Bond Adhesives has the lowest VOC’s on the market, is non-toxic, meets or exceeds all California Proposition 65 standards (strictest governmental environmental standards to date), contains no carcinogens, is not petroleum based, and has low odor.

As an environmentally conscious consumer this means that you are protecting your family’s health and the air quality in your home, helping to cut dependence on foreign oil, and preserving the environment by using an organically based non-toxic product.

In today’s competitive market, being green isn’t enough, a product also has to perform, as well as, if not better than, the non-environmentally friendly alternatives. Eco-Bond Adhesives outperforms both the green and non-green adhesives on the market.