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Product FAQ

Why is Urethane Free important?

Why is isocyanate Free important?

Wouldn't sausage tubes be even more advantageous?

What are the problems encountered when gluing FRP panels with other available products?

What makes the Marine sealant special?

Other products have low or no VOC's. What makes Eco bond so special in comparison?

What is the difference between an isocyanide (in the Marine tech) and an isocyanate?

Prop 65 is basically a clean water act. What makes Ecobond products important in the scheme things?

If Prop 65 is a groundwater contamination thing? What issues are presented by empty tubes & cartons in landfills?

What LEED credits can be realized by using EcoBond? Do you have documentation?

Can colors be matched?

What standard colors are in stock for each product?

Are there statistics available on lawsuits against the use of products that do not meet Prop 65?

How important is prop 65 compliance in California? Is it referenced in any other states?

Will sealants effect the film on glass when used to glaze windows?

Which sealant should be used for glazing?

Is there a chart of actual VOC content comparisons with competitive products.

What products are coated with Kynar?

How are Eco products effected by UV exposure? Has there been ASTM testing done for UV?

How do Eco products compare with Urethanes?

How do Eco products compare with Commercial grade silicones?

Can surfaces be sprayed with water to facilitate the cure of the adhesive? Does water have a negative effect on adhesion? What if the surface is wet or damp?

What Green certification is available substantiating claims?

What Eco-Bond product can be used for as a basement Radon and other gases sealant?