Product FAQ
Why is Urethane Free important?
Urethane is a Cancer causing out gassing that happens in solvents and restricts the adhesive from meeting Prop 65 and has to carry a warning.
Why is isocyanate Free important?
Same basic effect as urethane. Urethane is a Cancer causing out gassing that happens in solvents and restricts the adhesive from meeting Prop 65 and has to carry a warning.
Wouldn't sausage tubes be even more advantageous?
Yes, if the contractor has invested in the equipment and has volume jobs.
What are the problems encountered when gluing FRP panels with other available products?
FRP and products that have a high resin type finish have traditionally needed a 2 part epoxy to grab the nonporous surface that cost more and are highly flammable not to mention toxic. ECO-BONDs heavy duty has proven to be a an excellent alternative especially because most FRP panels are trying to show themselves as green friendly.
What makes the Marine sealant special?
ECO-BONDs ability to cure underwater and not out gas is the primary reason most adhesives that are marine use still have to be applied and cure out of water. ECO-BOND is also not effected by salt water most adhesive honey comb and split in salt water over time ECO-BOND will not. Finally, price example M.W marine to Wal-Mart feature 4 oz tube of products that they sell for Marine use that are $12.99 or more we are cheaper.
Other products have low or no VOC's. What makes Eco bond so special in comparison?
No one carries a complete line of Zero vocs and bonds at the same level and meets prop 65.
What is the difference between an isocyanide (in the Marine tech) and an isocyanate?
Isocyanide is a more deadly it is a chemical reactor that when exposed to air activates the cure of the product by out gassing it is cheaper than isocyanate and used in cheaper products.
Prop 65 is basically a clean water act. What makes Ecobond products important in the scheme things?
Prop 65 is a catch all prop its description is �clean water and Toxic enforcement act it is a conforming code for all building. It covers everything from water to lead paint anything that can out gas toxins in a habitable building.
If Prop 65 is a groundwater contamination thing? What issues are presented by empty tubes & cartons in landfills?
All of our tubes are 100% recyclable with out needing the costly toxin striping possess?
What LEED credits can be realized by using EcoBond? Do you have documentation?
See the attached matrix.
Can colors be matched?
Yes, but only in palette size orders or more.
What standard colors are in stock for each product?
Black, Gray, Tan, White, Clear (clear is limited to some products)
Are there statistics available on lawsuits against the use of products that do not meet Prop 65?
A Google search may help answer that question.
How important is prop 65 compliance in California? Is it referenced in any other states?
Its the big buzz word code for everything in Green Building and is being considered as a standard requirement for states receiving federal funding for the ne infrastructure build projects.
Will sealants effect the film on glass when used to glaze windows?
Which sealant should be used for glazing?
Is there a chart of actual VOC content comparisons with competitive products.
What products are coated with Kynar?
Kynar is used to coat, protect and beatify metal it is used a lot in the car industry to protect cars against weather, chipping and pitting. It is also also used to coat substrates in factories that have out gassing materiel use that could cause premature rust and metal fatigue.
How are Eco products effected by UV exposure? Has there been ASTM testing done for UV?
Eco-Bond products are not effected. Tech Sheets describing each product are available on the website.
How do Eco products compare with Urethanes?
We do not out gas and urethanes honey comb and break down over time. OSI's urethanes shrink so fast they use this negative as a selling point they tell users that you can lay a bead and in 24 hours it will shrink into a perfect seal. It is really just out gassing and creating gaps
How do Eco products compare with Commercial grade silicones?
Silicones are toxic and will break down if elongated to much they are usually $2-$4 higher in price and have very little adhesive properties.
Can surfaces be sprayed with water to facilitate the cure of the adhesive? Does water have a negative effect on adhesion? What if the surface is wet or damp?
It's situational ECO-BOND works faster going down on a clean dry surface then sprayed with water to help activate quicker. But it can adhere under water as well.
What Green certification is available substantiating claims?
LEED and NAHB are to only true body's a builder rates by. Greenguard, Green Seal, Environmentally Safe Products Inc. etc. are paid badges. We have succumbed to this and have green seal in the works and the environmentally Safe seal is already badged on our products.
What Eco-Bond product can be used for as a basement Radon and other gases sealant?