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Eco-Bond: The Environmentally Friendly Adhesive & Sealant Eco-Bond: The Environmentally Friendly Adhesive & Sealant
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About ECO-BOND Adhesives

ECO-BOND Adhesives, LLC was created in 2007 to meet the needs of an under-served market: environmentally-friendly adhesives and sealants. As consumers and contractors have increased their product knowledge and created the demand for environmentally-friendly building products, the staff of ECO-BOND Adhesives came together to bring the top adhesives developed for industrial use to the retail and contractor market.

After researching and testing a large number of products, we feel we have chosen not only the highest performing adhesives and sealants, but also the ones that are the most environmentally-friendly. We are proud to bring the Eco-Bond Adhesive family of products to you the consumer via our web-site and our distributor network. We are confident that our products will out-perform any adhesive or sealant that you are currently or have previously used. Additionally we know that they will be better for you, your children, your home, and our environment.

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© 2007 - 2013 Eco-Bond Adhesives LLC. All Rights Reserved Powerd By Concept Envy
Eco-Bond Adhesives is not associated in any way to ECCO-BOND, nor to any of the adhesives, sealants or surface treatments manufactured by Henkel Corporation under the Henkel or Emerson & Cuming names. For additional information, please see