ECO-BOND Adhesives – Positively Impacting the Environment and Your Bottom Line
The decision to utilize green products in the course of business may begin as a personal motivation to contribute to a general good or from personal values, but the reality is that it must also be a good business decision based on positive bottom line impacts –especially in today’s economy.
As companies make strategic decisions regarding whether to go green, what it means to be green , and how best to incorporate it into their existing business.
There are three main categories that most environmentally friendly efforts fall into:
- Reduction of Consumption – electricity, fuel, and water
- Reduction of harmful output/recycling - gas emissions, pollutants, waste water, and solid waste
- Product Procurement – renewable/sustainable, non-toxic, organically grown and recycled
Utilizing ECO-BOND adhesives products can help your company’s efforts in all three categories.
Utilization of ECO-BOND to seal windows and doors will help reduce the use of electricity and fuel in the course of heating and cooling buildings or homes. This is a long-term impact as ECO-BOND’s unique formulation will not dry or crack and is one of the most flexible in the industry – minimizing the need for reapplication and maximizing the energy savings results.
Additionally, ECO-BOND’s formulation does not require the use of petroleum products helping to reduce the need for imported oil.
REDUCTION OF HARMFUL OUTPUT / RECYCLING: ECO-BOND adhesives is a low VOC product and does not off gas in the curing process. ECO-BOND’s moisture cure technology means that harmful chemicals are not off-gassed into the surrounding area as part of the cure process. This reduces the amount of pollutants in living/working space and contributes to a higher air quality level.
PRODUCT PROCUREMENT: ECO-BOND’s formulation is non-toxic and does not contain chemicals that are harmful to people or animals. It is one of the only adhesives/sealants in the market that conforms to California’s Environmental Standards.
In addition to positive environmental impacts, utilizing ECO-BOND’s products also has a direct impact on your bottom line!
ECO-BOND is competitively priced with other non-environmentally friendly products, allowing your company to go green without having to pay a premium price.
ECO-BOND’s pricing structure allows companies to put together a price-competitive bid, while being able to offer the customer the addition of a green product. As the importance of going green continues to gain momentum – this can be a distinct competitive advantage.
ECO-BOND will earn projects points under both the LEED program and the NAHB’s Green Building program.
ECO-BOND’s wide service temperature range and its ability to be applied in a wider range of temperatures than most caulks and adhesives. ECO-BOND’s frost free formulation allows it to be utilized in cold and winter conditions – allowing projects to stay on track for completion.
ECO-BOND’s wide service temperature range and its ability to be applied in a wider range of temperatures than most caulks and adhesives. ECO-BOND’s frost free formulation allows it to be utilized in cold and winter conditions – allowing projects to stay on track for completion.